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Guidance for You

Welcome to Neo Divinations, where spiritual enlightenment meets personal growth. My purpose is to guide people towards discovering their personal power, from which they can create any reality they desire, and watch their dreams unfold. 

My Services

Tarot Cards

Tarot Readings

Spritual Guidance

Candle Burning Ritual


Life Coaching

Empowerment Strategies

Psychic Stones

Neo Divinations Story Unveiled

Who I Am

I'm Ash. I have been on my spiritual journey for over a decade. I first dabbled with Astrology and Tarot when I was 14 and then really dove into metaphysics when I graduated Highschool. I am claircognizant and a highly sensitive empath. Growing up, I could easily read people's emotions and physically feel their energy in my body, It didn't matter if that person was sitting right next to me or were many miles away. I would randomly get a feeling a certain action or event would happen, and it always did. There was no rhyme or reason on how I knew but it became my normal.


I made Neo Divinations with the intention of utilizing the spiritual gifts and knowledge I have developed over the years to help others. I see every session as a collaboration, an energetic exchange. We are working as a team to get to the root of your woes and how to alleviate them through the guidance of the Universe. 






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